
Git is a wrapper for the most common utilities of Git, such as checkout and reset. For example, to checkout a specific commit or branch:

gr = Git('test-repos/git-1/')

However, be careful! Git checkout changes the state of the repository on the hard disk, hence you should not use this command if other processes (maybe threads? or multiple repository mining?) read from the same repository.

Moreover, Git can be used to obtain different information from the repository:

gr = Git('test-repos/test1')
gr.get_list_commits()                  # get the list of all commits
gr.get_commit('cc5b002')               # get the specific commit
gr.files()                             # get the list of files present in the repo at the current commit
gr.total_commits()                     # get total number of commits
gr.get_commit_from_tag('v1.15')        # get the commit with tag v1.15

Another very useful API (especially for researchers ;) ) is the one that, given a commit, allows you to retrieve all the commits that last “touched” the modified lines of the file (if you pass a bug fixing commit, it will retrieve the bug inducing).

PS: Since PyDriller 1.9, this function can be customized to use “git hyper-blame” (check this for more info). Git hyper blame can be instructed to skip specific commits (like commits that refactor the code).

Let’s see an example:

# commit abc modified line 1 of file A
# commit def modified line 2 of file A
# commit ghi modified line 3 of file A
# commit lmn deleted lines 1 and 2 of file A

gr = Git('test-repos/test5')

commit = gr.get_commit('lmn')
buggy_commits = gr.get_commits_last_modified_lines(commit)
print(buggy_commits)      # result: (abc, def)

Since in commit lmn 2 lines were deleted (line 1 and 2), PyDriller can retrieve the commits in which those lines were last modified (in our example, commit abc and def).

Checkout the API Reference of this class for the complete list of the available functions.